Famalicão EER'24
Message from the Mayor Mário Passos
“This distinction reflects the success of the strategic objective that the municipality has been developing with a view to creating an ecosystem favourable to entrepreneurship and innovation. We are one of the most entrepreneurial territories in Portugal, an industrial city of innovation, creativity and research. We are an engine of growth and development in the Northern Region, the third largest exporter in Portugal.
This is an opportunity to show our value, grow and become an increasingly green, digital and resilient European city.”
The Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão has submitted an application for the 2024 edition of the European Entrepreneurial Region Award, based on a strategy that demonstrates how, through municipal public policies, support for SMEs will be realised over the next two years and support for the dual green and digital transition will be promoted.
Famalicão “European Entrepreneurial Region 2024” is the best testimony to the economic vitality of our territory and recognition of the merit of public policies to stimulate entrepreneurship, innovation and employment.
Famalicão is the first region in the north of Portugal to join the group of European cities and regions to receive this award. It’s recognition for everyone and it belongs to everyone. First and foremost the people, the people of Famalicão, the companies, but also the innovation and research centres, the schools, the universities, the sector associations, the local and central government bodies.
This recognition is also important from the point of view of cooperation and internationalisation of the territory, adding dimension and notoriety to it.
Famalicão “European Entrepreneurial Region 2024” is the best testimony to the economic vitality of our territory and recognition of the merit of public policies to stimulate entrepreneurship, innovation and employment.
Famalicão is the first region in the north of Portugal to join the group of European cities and regions to receive this award. It’s recognition for everyone and it belongs to everyone. First and foremost the people, the people of Famalicão, the companies, but also the innovation and research centres, the schools, the universities, the sector associations, the local and central government bodies.
This recognition is also important from the point of view of cooperation and internationalisation of the territory, adding dimension and notoriety to it.
The municipal strategy “from Made IN Famalicão to Created IN Famalicão” is being implemented and it is desirable to promote its continuous reinforcement, contributing to the creation of value, innovation and competitiveness in the municipality.
Our doors are open to technology and innovation, with businesspeople and entrepreneurs who want to respond to a new model of economic development, bearing in mind the major challenges of an ageing population, sustainability and the dual transition – digital and climate.
Our doors are open to technology and innovation, with businesspeople and entrepreneurs who want to respond to a new model of economic development, bearing in mind the major challenges of an ageing population, sustainability and the dual transition – digital and climate.
Famalicão European Entrepreneurial Region 2024 includes a set of actions that fall under three fundamental axes.
The aim is to implement a set of actions to raise the level of development in the municipality, with more innovation and more sustainability, thereby reinforcing the implementation of the municipal strategy “from Made IN Famalicão to Created IN Famalicão”.
The aim is to implement a set of actions to raise the level of development in the municipality, with more innovation and more sustainability, thereby reinforcing the implementation of the municipal strategy “from Made IN Famalicão to Created IN Famalicão”.
Promoting business co-operation and the creation of networks to support SMEs in strengthening their competitiveness in national and international markets.
Strengthening the local innovation ecosystem, facilitating the transformation of environmental challenges into business opportunities, helping companies and entrepreneurs to benefit from knowledge and technology transfers from universities and R&D organisations and stimulating the creation of value-added products.
Increase consumption of local products and promote short supply chains, contributing to carbon neutrality.
Increase consumption of local products and promote short supply chains, contributing to carbon neutrality.
Promoting the competitiveness of SMEs in local and global markets with distinctive and innovative products, taking advantage of the digital transition.
Ensuring support for SMEs in the face of their main challenges (access to financial support, skilled labour and talent) and in exploiting opportunities to access new markets (internationalisation).
Promoting corporate social and environmental responsibility for a just social transition and strengthening social inclusion and integration.
Ensuring that skills for the ecological and digital transition are strengthened and updated.
Supporting new entrepreneurial ideas and start-ups.
Ensuring that skills for the ecological and digital transition are strengthened and updated.
Supporting new entrepreneurial ideas and start-ups.
I congratulate the Municipality of Famalicão on its efforts to orient the region's economic profile towards knowledge, technology and innovation, seeking to mobilise the local economy for the new global challenges. A fully connected technological and industrial community in a green, multifunctional city will support the region's growth and development.
Vasco Cordeiro
This award is not for 2024, but for at least a decade in which Famalicão has shown the country that the future lies in industry and innovation.
Carlos Coelhofounder and president of the Ivity Brand Group
An award given for the dynamics of Famalicão Made IN and Famalicão Created In, the internationalisation process, the actions developed in the area of governance and institutional partnerships, namely in the drafting and development of the Famalicão 30 Strategic Plan and the exporting and producing strength of the municipality and the growth of the technological centres and universities present in the territory.
European Committee of the Regions